Master Gardener Community Outreach Project

As part of the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System Master Gardener Program, master gardener interns must complete 30 hours of a community outreach project. The Squire's Tavern Kitchen Garden project involves historical research of primary source documents, articles, and papers to assist in recreating a New England kitchen garden from the mid-19th Century.

Spring 2010

Installing the Garden Walkway

On the Saturday before the garden was set to go in, Erik Landgraf and his wife Helen Ann arrived to lend their expertise in putting in the walkway for the garden. The two worked steadily as a well-coordinated team taking turns removing sod and carting away full wheelbarrow loads to the treeline bordering the far end of the property.

By lunchtime the earth walkway had been carved out leaving clean edges along the sides of the four garden beds.

Replenished with sandwiches and cookies, the two returned to fill the walkway with rock dust. Again taking turns, one shoveled in the rock dust while the other tamped it down with a 40-pound hand tamper. The echoing thud bounced off the forest hills noting good work as the rock dust compacted making a solid walking surface.

While the walkway was being installed, a perennial plant sale was held on the front porch of the tavern to raise funds for the project.

As it turned out, enough money was raised from the sale to cover most expenses incurred over the course of the project.